Cracker Barrel Hamburger Steak Recipe is a classic American dish that embodies comfort and flavor. Try the recipe today and make your mood delightful.

Cracker Barrel Hamburger Steak Recipe 1

With roots in traditional Southern cuisine, Cracker Barrel Hamburger Steak Recipe has graced the tables of families for generations. It delivers a hearty and satisfying meal. Let’s delve into the origins of Cracker Barrel’s Hamburger Steak and savor the nostalgic taste of this beloved dish.

Origin of Cracker Barrel Hamburger Steak Recipe

The origin of Cracker Barrel’s Hamburger Steak Recipe is seen in the Southern United States. It was where hearty, soul-soothing meals were a cornerstone of culinary traditions. Cracker Barrel was a renowned restaurant chain known for its Southern-inspired dishes. It has perfected transforming simple ingredients into comforting and flavorful masterpieces. The Hamburger Steak, featuring seasoned ground beef patties smothered in a rich and savory onion gravy, reflects the essence of Southern home cooking. It’s a dish that combines the warmth of a family kitchen and the culinary expertise of Southern comfort food.

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Cracker Barrel Hamburger Steak Recipe


  • 1 pound Ground Beef
  • 2 medium size Onions
  • 3 cloves Garlic
  • 1/2 cups Breadcrumbs
  • 1 Egg
  • 2 spoons Worcestershire Sauce
  • 1 cup Beef Broth
  • 2 spoons Flour
  • 3 spoons Butter
  • Salt and Pepper to taste

Prepare the Beef Patties

In a bowl, combine ground beef and breadcrumbs. Then, add minced garlic and Worcestershire sauce. Now, combine salt and pepper. Form the mixture into round patties.

Cook the Patties

In a skillet over medium heat, cook the beef patties. Check until browned on both sides. Once cooked, set aside.

Prepare the Onion Gravy

In the same skillet, add sliced onions and butter. Cook until the onions are caramelized. Sprinkle flour over the onions and stir. Then, slowly add beef broth. This will create a smooth gravy.

Simmer the Patties in Gravy

Return the beef patties to the skillet. It will allow them to simmer in the savory onion gravy until heated through.

Serve and Enjoy

Plate the Hamburger Steak patties. Generously ladle onion gravy on top. Then, garnish with fresh parsley. Serve over mashed potatoes or rice for a classic Southern meal.

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Things to Remember

  • Take your time to caramelize the onions. This will give a rich, sweet flavor.
  • Adjust salt carefully. Consider both the beef patties and the gravy.
  • Adjust the amount of flour for your preferred thickness of the onion gravy.
  • Lean ground beef works well for a balanced texture.
  • Hamburger Steak pairs well with a variety of sides. It enhances the taste with mashed potatoes, rice, or vegetables.

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Frequently Asked Questions

1: Can I freeze leftover Hamburger Steak?

Yes, you can freeze the cooked Hamburger Steak. But it’s best enjoyed fresh.

2: Can I use a different type of ground meat?

While traditional recipes use beef, you can experiment with ground turkey. You can also try chicken for a lighter version.

3: How do I prevent the beef patties from falling apart?

Ensure a good binding. Do a thorough mixing of the breadcrumbs and egg into the ground beef.

4: Can I add mushrooms to the gravy?

Absolutely, mushrooms can be a delicious addition for extra flavor.

5: Is there a vegetarian version of this dish?

You can create a vegetarian version. Use plant-based ground meat alternatives and vegetable broth.

Cracker Barrel Hamburger Steak Recipe is a testament to the enduring appeal of Southern comfort food. Let’s recreate the nostalgic flavors of this classic dish in your kitchen. So, if you’re drawn to its simplicity and the richness of the onion gravy, prepare it today!

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