Is the rising heat getting to your head? Worry not as this Kenny Cooler Recipe will help you cool off in a refreshing and tasty way!

As summer is right around the corner, you will need something to fight off all that sweat. Nothing is better than a cocktail/mocktail of icy drinks with an exotic flavor to re-energize you! Wondering which one will serve you best? The Kenny Cooler of course! This article will act as a step-by-step guide to making a drink that you can gulp on a hot day with your buddies. So use this Kenny Cooler Recipe right away!

Origin of Kenny Cooler

Kenny’s Cooler is a drink that not only soothes the taste buds but also the eyes due to its blue color. This famous drink is exclusively at Texas Roadhouse and was created to pay homage to “The People’s Superstar,” Kenny Chesney who was the founder of Blue Chair Bay Rum. The drink’s creation was no less than a science project as it was meticulously tested before its nationwide launch in July 2016. As soon as it was released it became an instant hit and fan favorite due to its refreshing taste. The Nashville-based Blue Chair Bay Rum has become one of the most successful company launches in the history of wine and spirits owing its success to a collection of premium-blended rums inspired by Kenny Chesney’s love for the Caribbean.

How to Prepare Kenny Cooler?

Kenny Cooler Recipe 1
shutterstock/Alexandra Anschiz


  • 5-6 pineapple chunks
  • 1 cup fresh watermelon chunks
  • 5 cucumber slices
  • 1 lime, juiced
  • 2 cups coconut water
  • Ice cubes
  • Fresh mint leaves for garnish (optional)

1. Prepare the Fruits

Start by preparing the fresh fruits. Peel and cut the pineapple into chunks, remove the seeds from the watermelon and cut it into pieces, and slice the cucumber. Ensure all fruits are fresh and ripe for the best flavor.

2. Blend the Fruits

In a blender, combine the fresh pineapple chunks, watermelon chunks, cucumber slices, and freshly squeezed lime juice. Blend until you achieve a smooth and consistent puree.

3. Add Coconut Water

Pour the fruit puree into a large pitcher or jug. Add two cups of refreshing coconut water to the pitcher and mix well. The coconut water will add a delightful tropical twist to the cooler.

4. Chill and Serve

Chill the Kenny Cooler in the refrigerator for at least an hour before serving. When ready, fill glasses with ice cubes and pour the chilled cooler over the ice. Garnish with fresh mint leaves for an extra burst of fragrance and visual appeal.

5. Enjoy the Tropical Bliss

Sip and savor the heavenly blend of flavors in the Kenny Cooler. Let the sweetness of pineapple, the juiciness of watermelon, and the crispness of cucumber transport you to an island paradise right in the comfort of your own home.

Points to Remember While Preparing Kenny Cooler:

Kenny Cooler Recipe 2
shutterstock/Yalcin Sonat
  • Choose unsweetened coconut water for a natural taste, but you can opt for sweetened coconut water if you prefer a sweeter flavor profile.
  • If you find the cooler too tangy or not sweet enough, you can add a touch of honey or a sweetener of your choice to suit your taste.
  • Adults worry not, you can also add a bit of rum or vodka to give this drink a tropical cocktail twist and have a buzzy aftereffect.
  • As is with most drinks made to beat the summer’s heat this drink too is served best when chilled, so keep it in the refrigerator until you’re ready to serve. Follow these easy steps in the Kenny Cooler recipe, and you are ready to be entitled “the best host” on a sunny summer’s Sunday afternoon barbecue party with your lads.

Pro Tips

  • Keep in mind the fruits used to make the drink need to be ripe and fresh for that extra refreshing, tropical flavor. Choose fruits that are in season and at their peak of sweetness to get the best taste out of them.
  • A hack to make you drink top-notch is to chill the fruits and coconut water before blending. This will help maintain the cold temperature of the cooler and prevent the need for excessive ice which in turn can dilute the flavors.
  • If you prefer an even colder drink without diluting the rich flavor due to overuse of ice then you can use frozen pineapple, watermelon, or cucumber chunks in the blender. It adds an extra chill to the cooler.
  • You can top off the cooler with a splash of sparkling water or soda just before serving to give it a fizzy taste.

With these pro tips, you’ll have all the knowledge you’ll need to create the ultimate Kenny Cooler that will impress your guests and keep you cool all summer long. So get ready to feel the tropical environment of the Caribbean in the comfort of your backyard after just your first sip of this drink!